Atty. Rose Liza Osorio
Senior Director - Campaigns, Legal and Policy

Oceana Philippines
Rose-Liza Eisma-Osorio is the Senior Director for Campaigns, Legal and Policy of
Oceana in the Philippines working on strategic, directed campaigns in the Philippines to
ensure protection of oceans through science-based fisheries management and policy
reforms. She is a public interest lawyer and law professor at the University of Cebu
School of Law in the Philippines. She has authored and edited numerous academic
articles. Her research scholarship areas are concerning the underlying legal and
institutional environmental governance framework, marine spatial planning, biodiversity
protection, climate change, traditional knowledge, and legal compliance in protected
landscapes and marine sensitive areas.
She was the Executive Director of a small non-profit, Coastal Conservation and
Education Foundation, for 10 years before co-founding the Philippine Earth Justice
Center, Inc. (PEJC) along with other environmental lawyers in Cebu. The PEJC has
filed several environmental cases, including the landmark decision of the Supreme
Court in Resident Marine Mammals and Dolphins vs. Reyes where she is was
recognized as a co-steward of the resident whales and dolphins to stop illegal oil drilling
and exploration in the Tañon Strait Protected Seascape in Central Philippines, the
largest marine protected area in the Philippines.
She was elected as the Chairperson of the International Union for Conservation of
Nature – Academy of Environmental Law (IUCNAEL) – the first Asian to lead the
academy, and served for four years until 2023. She finished her Bachelor of Science
major in Chemistry at the University of the Philippines – Diliman, Juris Doctor at the
Silliman University, and Master of Laws (LLM) with Benemeritus and Best Thesis award
at the San Sebastian College Recoletos Graduate School of Law.