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Kisha Muaña, EMDRCM

Policy and Advocacy Officer

Kisha Muaña, EMDRCM

Wetlands International Phillipines

A conservation biologist working with civic, social, and non-government organizations, skilled in advocacy campaign management, bridging leadership, science-based policy lobbying, and wetland-based solutions. She has an academic background in Environmental Issues and Natural Resource Management at the East-West Center, Hawaii, and an Executive Master in Disaster Risk and Crisis Management at the Asian Institute of Management.

Kisha leads the Policy and Advocacy Programme of Wetlands International Philippines. She oversees the implementation of policies and strategies across different projects on Biodiversity Conservation, Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Community-based natural resources management, Wetlands as Nature-based Solutions, and Coastal Risk Reduction and Adaptation. Her work entails leading a dynamic team of individuals and networking with environmental experts, policymakers, and climate organizations to promote sustainable and science-based approaches aligned with the Building with Nature and Landscape philosophy.

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